Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

32 share n sell your design at pcbway

can you see above? they pic generate at pcbway website. you can find the button sharensell after the gerberfiles uploaded successfully.

Let join us,visit the shared projects. This time pcbway have much growfast collection pcb design at end of 2017.. contribute from many engineer all the world or perhaps outspace ? nobody know :)

back to my design...  although special price 5usd/10pcs  constrain minimum track 0.3mm but i m statisfied.. look at my design..is that complicated or weird ? ...haaaa make me dizzy. good track..well done. i m no doubt about the quality. its great .size 99x99mm

order start from mid september. I recieved the pcb at oct via china post forwarded with indonesia post. dont care about longtime delivery i m not in hurry. try to buy component untill nov not yet finished. in this descember become abandon project.Maybe next year i try to build this project. my brain still focus at end year annual report at office.

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